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sustainability reports

Sustainability Report 2023 cover

Sustainability report 2023

Sustainability report

Sustainability report

Sustainability report

Sustainability report

Sustainability report

Responsible stewardship of the environment is now a prerequisite for any company in the market. The growing pressure of public opinion and international regulatory developments attest to this. Accordingly, we pay careful attention to any negative ecological impact that our business might have and work to minimize it.


Every day, working in an eco-design paradigm, we seek to follow the path towards greater sustainability by continuously improving our portfolio of innovative solutions through downgauging, through the development of mono-materials and materials made of recycled plastic and compostable paper-based components, and though the pursuit of zero-waste solutions. Finally, we use Life Cycle Assessment software to objectify designs, to compare and contrast solutions, and thus to steer our eco-design choices in the direction of ever greater sustainability.


The environment is an essential common good. We are all inextricably linked to it, and we all depend on it. At the same time, our very existence inevitably has an impact on it. Every day, for the sake of local communities and our planet, the Gerosa Group seeks to minimize its impact on the environment by deploying air purification and recycling systems, by using cogeneration plants for energy and by reducing emissions. Every year we publish our Sustainability Report, which details the Group’s environmental performance in the previous financial year.


Gerosa Group is a member of Flexible Packaging Europe and actively supports the vision of a sustainable European flexible packaging industry:

Ecodesign flexible packaging for a complete food protection and reducing environmental footprint

Achieving circularity for flexible packaging

Speeding up progress with a strong and full cooperation in the Supply Chain