
Vision & Mission

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Offer safe and sustainable solutions that improve and protect the quality of life for all.

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Foresee and meet the needs of our clients by creating innovative, sustainable and reliable packaging solutions that help to protect and enhance each and every product.

our core values

We pursue excellence in every aspect of our job, to ensure products and services that exceed the expectations of our customers and colleagues.


We constantly refine our processes, products, people and services, and foster a culture of learning and growth.


We anticipate the needs of our customers, colleagues and market, acting with initiative and with full responsibility for our proposals.


We promote a working environment that respects individuality and guarantees equal opportunities for everyone, in order that everyone can best express their potential and contribute to common success.


We value active cooperation and mutual support, where every person is an essential piece for collective success, promoting an environment where everyone can grow and thrive together.


In every aspect of our job, we act with respect for the environment and people, and we constantly invest in innovations able to create economic, social and environmental well-being.

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Code of ethics

The Code of Ethics encapsulates all the values that have guided the Group right from the start. The Code now also guides all those who work or intend to work with the Gerosa Group.

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Supplier code of conduct

We aim to establish lasting business relationships with our suppliers, built on transparency, ethics and sustainability. As such, not only have we made our own commitment, through the Gerosa Group’s Code of Ethics, but we have also drawn up a Supplier Code of Conduct. We ask all our suppliers to expressly approve this document and make a commitment to comply with the rules it sets out. For us, this is an essential prerequisite for any business relationship.